HP 9872C Plotter

The HP 9872C is one of the most beautiful plotters HP has ever developed. Repair first… I’m trying to replace the foil cable that broke with a new one.

Repair successfully completed

Demonstration of a 1981 HP 9872C pen plotter drawing a Columbia space shuttle. The plotter is controlled by an HP 85B computer.

Troubleshooting the HP 5334A Universal Counter

Troubleshooting the HP 5334A Universal Counter. The internal highly stable crystal oscillator drifts after 2h. Monitor all voltages on the power supply. Definitely a thermal problem. The drift disappears through a brief cooling and then returns a short time later.

The problem was the C8 capacity. This must be removed after installing option 010.

HP 8568B Spectrum Analyzer DLP Downloadable Program

The HP 8568B can be optionally upgraded with software via the HP-IB. In my case, the Spectrum Analyzer already has a few DLPs stored in its ROMs from the factory.

In this video I show the operation and for the functions of the individual programs.

I am interested in more programs. Who has some please mail me.

DLP Examples for the HP 8568B Spectrum Analyzer

10 Introduction

100 Return to this MENU

101 Harmonie Distortion

102 Monitor Signals

103 Waterfall Display

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